Matthews Matthpoles
Matthews Matthpoles are stronger and more durable than any similar product. Unique "expanding casting" provides the pressure for holding the Matthpole in place. Used primarily in studios for mounting seamless paper and backdrops with the use of Super Mafer Clamps and Swivel U-Hooks; the Matthpole has also been used in a horizontal position to support small lighting fixtures
CAUTION: Because tubing can sag over long lengths and when weight is added, the Matthpole may become loose and could come down. It is therefore recommended that vertical Matthpoles with two Super Mafer Clamps mounted at right angles with a #209635 Swivel at each end be used to support the horizontal Matthpole. To avoid damage to the wall or ceiling, Matthpoles should only be used directly in line with studs.
Matthpole (53" to 97-1/2" / 135cm to 248cm) Black MFR #B427082 Maxi Matthpole (99" to 187" / 252cm to 475cm) Black MFR #B427080 |